In order to Interpret Biblical Symbols correctly, and in line with the fundamental principle of allowing the Bible to explain itself, these are the Rules for Symbolic Interpretation which have been updated to modern English speech, from what the pioneers wrote and used with success and in harmony with principled Bible study.
Rule #1

Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Every Word should have its place in our study of the Bible. No word should have a greater importance than what it was meant to have, or be changed according to the desire of the student.
Bible Proof Texts:
Matthew 5:18
Rule #2
Every word of the Bible is put there for a purpose and can be understood with devoted Bible study.
Bible Proof Texts:
2 Timothy 3:15-17
Rule #3
God will reveal scripture to us if we pray with faith not wavering and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is not God’s desire to hide the interpretation of any portion of the Bible from us.
Bible Proof Texts:
James 1:5-6; Deuteronomy 29:29; Matthew 10:26-27; 1 Corinthians 2:10; Philippians 3:15; Matthew 21:22; John 14:13-14; John 15:7; 1 John 5:13-15.
Rule #4
To Understand Doctrine correctly, collect all the scriptures on the specific topic together in context then let the Bible speak for itself. The interpretation cannot be in error if there is no conflict or contradiction between scriptures.
Bible Proof Texts:
Isaiah 28:7-13; Isaiah 35:8; Proverbs 19:8; Luke 24:27, 44-45; Romans 16:26; 2 Peter 1:19-21.
Rule #5
“Isaiah 28:9-13” The Bible is its own interpreter. It is the standard by which everything is compared to. We cannot depend on any preacher, priest, theologian, or teacher to give us the interpretation of the Bible. They may guess the meaning of Bible, to give a wise answer, or explain it as what they want it to say on account of their own beliefs. Even if we consider them or ourselves to be wise on the subject if we rely on their judgment then their Guessing, desire, belief, or wisdom becomes our standard, not the Bible. The Holy Spirit through the Bible will lead us into all truth. John 16:13
Bible Proof Texts:
Isaiah 28:9-13; Psalms 19:7-11; Psalm 119:97-105; Matthew 23:8-10; 1 Corinthians 2:12-15; Ezekiel 34:18-19; Luke 11:52; Malachi 2:7-8

Prophetic Chart
Prophetic Poster
Rule #6
God has revealed the future things by visions, in Symbols, types, figures, and Parables, so that the Bible can reveal the same knowledge over and over again using different visions and different Symbols, Figures and Parables, repeating the same information in a different way. If you want to understand them then you need to compare then in parallel to understand their meanings. God has preserved the meaning of these messages by revealing them repetitively in different forms and places in the Bible so that they cannot be corrupted.
Bible Proof Texts:
Habakkuk 2:2-3; Hosea 12:10; Psalm 89:19; Acts 2:17; 1 Corinthians 10:6; Hebrews 9:9, Hebrews 9:24; Psalm 78:2; Matthew 13:13, 34; Genesis 41:1-32; Daniel 2:7-8; Acts 10:9-16
Rule #7
Visions are always identified as Visions in the Bible.
Bible Proof Texts:
Revelation 1:1; Daniel 7:2; Daniel 8:2; Acts 11:5; Acts 16:9; 1 Corinthians 12:1; 2 Corinthians 12:1-2.
Rule #8
Symbols and Figures always have a symbolic meaning, and are used frequently in prophecy to reveal future things and events. Examples are: mountains, meaning Governments; and Beasts meaning Kingdoms, Waters meaning people, Lamp meaning, the word of God, and Day, meaning a Year.
Bible Proof Texts:
Revelation 1:1; Revelation 17:1, 15; Daniel 2:35, 44; Daniel 7:8, 17; Psalm 119:105; Ezekiel 4:6
Rule #9
A Parable and its meaning is the same as a Symbol is to its Symbolic definition. One is a story and the other is a word. They are aids in understanding doctrine.
Parables are used as comparisons to illustrate doctrine and must be explained in the same way as Symbols by the comparing the doctrine on the subject and Bible. Note: Parables almost always contain Symbols.
Bible Proof Texts:
Mark 4:13
Rule #10
Symbols sometimes have more than one definition. If you apply the correct definition in the context of the text it will make good sense and be in harmony with the rest of the Bible. The other definitions will not make sense or not have a clear application to the Context of the text.
Example: Day
- Indefinite
- Definite (a day for a Year)
- Hyperbole – Day for a thousand years
Bible Proof Texts:
Ecclesiastes 7:14-15; Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34; 2 Peter 3:8
Rule #11
If a word is a symbol it will not always make sense in the plain reading of the text. Sometimes the words in the text will contain double meaning, the symbolic and the plain reading.
Note: When a verse doesn’t make literals sense, look for a symbolic message in the verse.
Bible Proof Texts:
Revelation 12:1-2; Revelation 17:3-7
Double meaning:
Jeremiah 23:1-4 Pastors/flock and sheep = Shepherd/People of the Church.
No literal sense:
Ecclestiastes 9:8 Look for Symbols
Rule #12
To find the meaning of a Symbol, use the Bible and let it explain itself. Look up all the passages on the word or topic and there will be an explanation in one of the passages. Use a Concordance or a Computer Bible search for the word.
Proof Texts:
Use a Concordance or Computer. Psalm 119:105 Lamp = Thy Word
Rule #13
To know if a certain history is matched with a certain Prophecy, then every word of prophecy is fulfilled when the symbols are understood correctly. If all events and symbols match then it is the correct a prophecy to match with a history. Prophecy knows history in advance. Prophecy is God’s proof that He is God and it cannot err.
*This is the point where many who interpret prophecy go wrong. If something doesn’t fit they will make it fit to make prophecy fit their idea. We cannot jump to conclusions on this matter.
Proof Texts:
Psalm 22:5; Isaiah 45:17-19; 1 Peter 2:6; Revelation 17:17; Acts 3:18.
Rule #14

The most important rule of all rules is to have Faith
You must have a faith that will endure sacrifice and opposition. It is the Word of God that has explained the prophecy, not yourself, you have only interpreted it. We must believe that God’s Word will never fail. You do not need to know Greek or Hebrew to be sure that you are not in error, only the Word of God and a sincere desire to understand the truth. The Word of God is repetitive in its doctrine and explains itself on the subject in more than one place.
Proof Texts:
Matthew 21:21; Romans 10:17; Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 2:5; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 4:2; Hebrews 10:23; Hebrews 11:1, 3; James 1:6.
These are the 14 Rules for Symbolic Interpretation that have been used with success and in harmony with solid and principled Bible study over the centuries.
The Golden Rule is “Let the Bible Interpret itself” in line with Isaiah 28:10, 7-13
14 Rules for Symbolic Interpretation
As you read your Bible you can look at the Symbols in the list on the Symbols List page to see if you can discover additional meaning in the Bible.
Remember there are many more Bible Symbols than there are on this list. With the Methods and Rules given, you can find and Identify many more Bible Symbols.
Next Symbols List or Parables
Also See: Pioneers of Symbolism,
Eye = Wisdom and or Prophets of God

Feet = The Actions, The Life, Doing

Heart = Mind, The Feelings of Emotion

Forehead = Mind, Place of Decision

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